Mass is at 12:00 noon at St Francis of Assisi Independent
Catholic Chapel: 195 Ridgewood Avenue Glen Ridge, NJ
Pastor: Most Rev.
Dr. George Lucey, FCR
Ministry of
Music: Organist, Mr. Anthony Bevilaqua
Mr. Geety Reyes, et al.
Council: Robert
Johnston, Tracey Reed, Meghan Garland, Stephanie, Geety Reyes, William
Toth, Br. Gerardo OSA, Br. Joe Booney, Mark Wolin, Myrtle Toth, Anthony
Bevilaqua, Fred.
Preparing for
Opening Prayer:
Come Holy Spirit,
incarnate yourself in these
dry bones, filling us with truth and wisdom.
Without your presence, all is
Provide us with the courage
and the words
to be your witnesses against
all forms of oppression.
Teach us how to stand in
solidarity with the disenfranchised,
those excluded from full
humanity because of
their race, their ethnicity,
their class, their gender, their orientation.
The struggle for justice is
but with your indwelling,
we can muster enough strength
to struggle toward
realizing your realm.
Do not abandon us now, rather,
make your presence real,
manifested in joy, grace, and
So be it, Amen.
Pastoral Letter of Pentecost
Wherefore, if Holy Scripture proclaims that God is
love, and that love is of God, and works this in us that we abide in
God and He in us, and that hereby we know this, because He has given us
of His Spirit, then the Spirit Himself is God, who is love.
- St. Augustine, De Trinitas XV.
18.32, 19.37.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On Pentecost we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit with her
seven-fold gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude (or
courage), knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. These gifts
come to us with an invitation to prayerfully continue the discernment
process we began at this year’s General Assembly. The gifts
come to us with an invitation to life and challenges us, like the
members of the early Church, to say yes to all God has in store for us.
This Spirit of God comes to us with the surging power of love, which
has the power to disorient us and shake us out of our complacency.
St Augustine reminds us that it is this unceasing love at the heart of
the Trinity that descends on us at Pentecost and imbues us with this
same love which unites the Trinity, and has the power to unite us a
Church in our witness to the world of this ancient message of
God’s all inclusive love.
At our recent General Assembly the Holy Spirit moved us to renew our
commitment to proclaim to the whole world that God’s love in
non-discriminatory, that we of CACINA are inspired by the Holy Spirit,
in this time and place, to proclaim a message of peace and welcome home
to people who are searching for an authentic Catholic expression of
We are moved by the Holy Spirit at this Pentecost, with faith and
courage, with understanding and piety, with counsel and knowledge, and
with wisdom and fear of the Lord to go out to the whole world with this
message of God’s powerful and disorienting love.
At this Pentecost, we of CACINA are:
- inspired to strive
to be a holy people and to bring his holiness to fruition in our
individual lives and our parish communities
- Called
to receive this grace and to share it with all whom we meet;
challenged, like Peter and John, to proclaim the healing power of the
name of Jesus (Acts 3:6), to say to the disinvested, come home, and to
the oppressed that there is liberation in CACINA’s expression
of our theology; and most importantly,
Commissioned to be living witnesses to the power of God’s
love moving in our Church and our lives.
At this Pentecost let us renew or covenant to each other, to our
Mission, and to Our Church. Let us hold the world and each other in our
prayers and ask for the grace of the seven-fold gifts to truly live our
anthem; “All are welcome, All are welcome, in this
Given Under or Seal and Signature on the Feast of Pentecost, Anno
Domini 2009
The College of Bishops of the Catholic Apostolic Church in America
Greetings and
Hello Everyone and Peace!
I am hoping you all had a good week, filled with God’s
I am excited about the many activities we have coming up in the month
of June and am hoping many of you can join us for some or all of our
- June 1 at 6:00 our
regular Parish Council Meeting and pot-luck dinner at Stephanie and
- June 7 our Parish
will have a table and a presence at the Asbury Pride Festival from
10:00 A.M. to 6:00.P.M. please come out and support us and stop by and
say hello if you are there.
- June 10 our first
“Movie and Chat” night at 7:00 P.M.
- June 13 our first
Paris Picnic at the rectory on Mellon Ave in West Orange form 3:00 P.M.
- June 18 our
Recover Mass at St. George’s in Maplewood.
We are trying to start a
parish choir, and thought we could begin meeting immediately after
Mass. So, please plan on attending our first meeting this Sunday.
Some updates:
- Robert has sent
out a very nice “We miss you letter”, and has
gotten a response back.
- Geety is still
waiting for any suggestions for website revisions.
- Geety and Robert
have merged the e-mail list and we now have over 300 names. Geety will
now be responsible for sending out the Parish Notes
- We renewed the ad.
in the local papers and I placed St. Francis on the Yellow
- Looks like we have
agreement on St. Francis leading the way for a inter-faith and
ecumenical prayer service for 2010 Asbury Pride Festival.
As many of you know I have
been named the Vicar for Ecumenism and Communications for
CACINA. Below is a statement reflecting our ecumenical
activities to date. Please, if any one has any interest in ecumenism, I
would welcome the help.
Catholic Apostolic Church in North America
Office of Ecumenical Affairs
May 26, 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Grace and Peace of God the Father, the love of our Lord Jesus
Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!
At our last College of Bishops’ conference call, the bishops
asked if I would write to the whole Church an outline of our Ecumenical
strategies. Our primary goal is to work with other credible Faith
communities to build a viable and legitimate alternative voice for
Catholics who value the essential Traditions, and differ with the
Rome’s merging of theology with unquestioning compliance. Our
hope is to take the lead in developing a reputable body of committed
Faith communities who can develop pastoral, theological, and ecclesial
forums for dialogue, which might result in the establishment regular
meetings or conferences for addressing shared concerns for
strengthening our non-Vatican Catholic communities. Following is a
four-point strategy for moving forward in these ecumenical efforts
- Communicate to the
larger non-Vatican Catholic Communities that CACINA would like to
participate in developing a credible alternative voice to Vatican
Catholicism, in a non-adversarial dialogue.
- Strengthen
communication initiatives and practices that enable CACINA and
different Independent Catholic jurisdictions to act together to build
- Support
communication practices advancing ecumenism through representing
religious and cultural difference in a dialogic format
- Participate in
selective specialized ecumenical agencies: Project Ploughshares, ICCC,
NCC and the Conference of North American Old Catholic Bishops
Bishop Carl has nicely summarized the efforts of the Office for
Ecumenical Affairs to date, and so I include the summary here:
George has been very busy on the Ecumenical front.
Under his stewardship:
A dialog has started with the ECC Web site: Given our similarities
and our basic agreements on important points of theology we are
drafting a joint statement of inter-communion
Numerous others have started coming out of the woodwork (bishops etc)
Membership in the World Council of Churches is under consideration
Membership in the ICCC, the International Council of Community Churches
is again under consideration. Here is their web site: The ICCC has links to the National and World
Council of Churches and the Churches Uniting in Christ.
CACINA is looking at hosting convocation of some sort in the fall to
bring us all together.
A Letter inviting an ecumenical dialog was developed and sent out, and
to date we have had four positive responses.
Please accept this as our invitation to pray for the ecumenical efforts
of the Church and to participate at any level you can with our reaching
out to others in the spirit of Christian unity. I welcome any
suggestions or ideas you may have for opportunities for ecumenical
involvement. I can best be reached at or by
phone at 973-731-7765.
Your Servant in Christ,
+George R. Lucey, FCR
Vicar for Ecumenical Affairs.
Please forward any news items which you think would be of any interest to our readers to me or Geety at
Here is a very nice letter of welcome form our new diocesan bishop, Francisco Betancourt:
PO BOX 113
May 27, 2009
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Peace be with you. I am grateful to our God that the faith
community of St. Francis of Assisi has decided to become a parish in
the Catholic Apostolic Church in North America. I welcome you and
embrace you as we begin our journey together. I know in my heart that
we will continue to reach out to those who have been made to feel
unworthy of the love of God.
Bishop George Lucey, both through our meetings together and your parish
notes, has shared with me your activities and ministries. Your spirit
and willingness to serve all of God’s children is in keeping with
the mission of our founder St. Charles of Brazil. Our church is
stronger because of your talents, love and support.
I look forward to visiting with you and celebrating at the table of the
Lord. Let us pray for one another that we might be ever faithful to our
Your brother in Christ,
Bishop Francisco J. Betancourt, FCR
Diocesan Bishop of the Little Portion
Save the Date!
I am pleased to announce that the following candidates will be ordained
to the Deaconate on Saturday, September 26, 2009, at Holy Rood church
in Manhattan, New York at 11:00 AM. There will be a rehearsal the
evening of the 25th, at 7:00 PM.
Candidates for the Deaconate:
- Patricia Smith
- Michael Theogene
- Walter Hillebrand
Please forward this email to all interested parties.
Thank you, +Frank
Remember our next Healing and Recovery Mass at St. George’s will
be June 20 at 4:00 at St. George’s in Maplewood. Please try
and join us. It is a quiet and gentle time for us to ask God to enter
into the brokenness of our lives and move in healing ways.
I am hoping you can help me spread the word about our Mission. I have
taken Internet ads. Out on Craig’s List and Orange Soda. I have a
bit of an Internet presence on the WWW, but could use all of your help
getting the message to others about our Mission.
I know in some Protestant communities they ask each member of the
congregation to bring a friend. Let’s try this for the next
couple of weeks, eh!
We still need some help with the Liturgy and if anyone is interested in
helping with the liturgical planning, please let Geety know at:
If anyone is interested in helping with the Mission Notes, please let
me our Geety know. Again, any announcements please forward them to me
or Geety.
We pray that the spirit of god may breathe fresh life into our Church,
to renew and nourish it so that it remains relevant and meaningful to a
modern world.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer.
We pray for that same outpouring in our own lives so that we may remain
faithful to God’s word and proclaim that message to others who
are yet to hear it. We pray especially for those from our parish who
are most in need of your mercy
Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer.
We pray for those who feel cheated, lonely, depressed, those imprisoned and those suffering in mind or body.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer.
In this week, we pray for those throughout the world for whom
even the most simple existence and standard of living is a constant
Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer.
We pray for those who have died, for those whose anniversaries occur at
this time, and for those who have died suddenly or tragically at the
hands of others.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer.
We now ask Mary to intercede for us in all our prayers as we say Hail Mary...
We now pray silently for all our own intentions.
God our Father, we thank you for the gift of the Spirit that lives
within us, and we ask you to listen to all our prayers through the
intercession of Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns with you
for ever and ever. Amen.
Bishop Ordinary of the Tridentine Catholic Church of Cameroon and New